Assistant Professor UAI Group DAI M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands position contact email:LGcxPkhfNR5fVxkGV3IGK0NbLzE= phone:+31-40-247-2423 post:Postbus 513 5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands address:Metaforum De Groene Loper 5 5612 AZ Eindhoven The Netherlands Group leader C. de Campos Cluster head M. Pechenizkiy
Rodrigo Silva. PhD researcher UAI Group DAI M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands supervision Supervisors & co-promotors EQ C. Verhoosel Promotor C. Verhoosel
Uncertainty Representations & Reasoning M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching For 2nd year MSc Data Science & AI students Lecturers EQ T. Krak V.-L. Nguyen Assistants D. Montalván Hernández Student-assistants M. Zelina T. N. B. Tran N. van den Berg M. van Sluijs
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching For 1st year MSc Data Science & AI students award Excellent Course Evaluation 2022–2023 Lecturers T. Krak EQ C. de Campos Support W. Wesselink Assistants G. Gala D. Montalván Hernández Student-assistants R. van den Berk Y. Yaşarol M. van Sluijs
Gennaro Gala. PhD researcher. Thesis: “Probabilistic generative modeling with latent variable hierarchies” UAI Group DAI M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands supervision Successfully defended on 24 March '25 thesis url:Reference Supervisor & co-promotor EQ Promotor C. de Campos
Reviewing for ISIPTA service url:ISIPTA 2025 url:ISIPTA 2021 url:ISIPTA ‘17 url:ISIPTA ‘13 url:ISIPTA ‘11 url:ISIPTA ‘09 url:ISIPTA ‘07 url:ISIPTA ‘05
Reviewing for AISTATS service url:The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2021) url:The 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2022) url:The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2023) url:The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2024) url:The 28th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2025)
Data Analytics for Engineers M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching For all 1st year BSc Engineering students Coordinators N. Sidorova R. van der Wurf Lecturers N. Sidorova A. di Bucchianico EQ R. Medeiros de Carvalho M. Funk Support E. van den Hurk M. Mitchell
Beyond tree-shaped credal probabilistic circuits Int. J. Approx. Reason. . paper doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2023.109047 Authors D. Montalván Hernández T. Centen EQ T. Krak C. de Campos
Proceedings of ISIPTA 2023. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 215 book url:Electronic proceedings Editors E. Miranda I. Montes EQ B. Vantaggi
MSc thesis “Robustness of classical and credal classifiers” M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student R. Janssen Supervisors EQ
ISIPTA 2023 Oviedo, Spain organization PC Board E. Miranda I. Montes EQ B. Vantaggi Advisory F. Cozman J. De Bock
Expected hitting times for continuous-time imprecise Markov chains ISIPTA 2023, Oviedo, Spain abstract pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Poster Authors R. Reubsaet EQ T. Krak
Uncertainty Representations and Reasoning: A Course on Uncertainty Modeling Beyond Probability Theory ISIPTA 2023, Oviedo, Spain abstract pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Poster Authors EQ
Bayesian uncertainty quantification for transient heat conduction problems with temperature-dependent conductivity UNCECOMP 2023, Athens, Greece abstract Authors R. Silva C. Verhoosel EQ
A comparison of eight optimization methods applied to a wind farm layout optimization problem Wind Energy Sci. 8.5. paper doi:10.5194/wes-8-865-2023 Authors J. J. Thomas N. F. Baker P. Malisani EQ S. Sanchez Perez-Moreno J. Jasa C. Bay F. Tilli D. Bieniek N. Robinson A. P. J. Stanley W. Holt A. Ning
Continuous mixtures of tractable probabilistic models AAAI-23, Washington DC, USA paper doi:10.1609/aaai.v37i6.25883 url:Extended version with appendix code url:Code Authors A. H. C. Correia G. Gala EQ C. de Campos R. Peharz
MSc thesis “Adversarial attacks on deep dreams” M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student S. Hoekstra Supervisors R. Joosse E. Stoelinga G. Gala EQ
MSc thesis “Investigation into deep learning frameworks to forecast the significant wave height” M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student F. van den Eijnde Supervisors J. Liria Fernandez N. Sepasian EQ
An opinion on peer reviewed conference publications in the data science field: Clear author contributions, reasonable content limits, and complete reviews opinion html:Opinion text Author EQ
MSc thesis “Detecting calls to action in text using deep learning” M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student E. Er Supervisors O. Koornwinder S. van Wijk EQ
BSc end projects on “Reduction of the size of quantitative datasets using significance information” M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference for “An approach to data reduction for medium to large sized datasets: Combining lossy decimal reduction with practical significance” url:Reference for “Reducing storage size of large quantitative data using a combined lossy compression method: An application to an IoT dataset” url:Reference for “Lossy compression for quantitative floating point data using random noise detection” Students I. Jacobs L. Nguyen P. Huijten Supervisor EQ
DAI Seminar M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands organization Course coordination teaching Mini-course on robust inference models Coordinators M. Pechenizkiy EQ Lecturers EQ others
Introduction to the theory of imprecise probability Ch. 3 of Uncertainty in Engineering: Introduction to Methods and Applications. chapter doi:10.1007/978-3-030-83640-5_3 pdf:Chapter Author EQ
MSc thesis “Remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion batteries using machine learning” M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student K. Bhargav Supervisors S. Rath EQ
MSc thesis “Human Activity Recognition using a single ankle mounted accelerometer” M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student M. Agrawal Supervisors S. de Vries EQ
Reviewing for TORQUE service url:The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2016) url:The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2020) url:The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2022)
MSc thesis “Beyond tree-shaped credal sum-product networks” M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student T. Centen Supervisors EQ C. de Campos T. Krak
UAI 2021 Online organization Program Chairs C. de Campos M. Maathuis Publication Chair EQ Various Chairs others
Poster Prize Jury ISIPTA 2021, Granada, Spain service url:ISIPTA 2021 Awards Members R. Gong EQ A. Van Camp
Beyond tree-shaped credal sum-product networks ISIPTA 2021, Granada, Spain abstract pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Poster Authors T. Centen C. de Campos T. Krak EQ
BSc end projects on “Hyperparameter optimisation” M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference for “Bandit-based hyperparameter tuning methods for a non-traditional reinforcement learning application” Student E. Ghedamsi Dhifallah Supervisor EQ
Wind farm layout optimization using pseudo-gradients Wind Energy Sci. 6.3. paper doi:10.5194/wes-6-815-2021 pdf:Paper code doi:10.5281/zenodo.4072253 url:WFLOPG – A Python wind farm layout optimization package Authors EQ R. Bos M. B. Zaaijer
Reviewing for ECML-PKDD service url:European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2021)
Robust uncertainty models DAI Seminar, DAI M&CS TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands talk pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
PhD Jury “High dimensional statistical modelling with limited information” Department of Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Science Durham University Durham, United Kingdom service External examiner thesis url:Reference Candidate T. Basu
How to improve the state of the art in metocean measurement datasets Wind Energy Sci. 5.1. paper doi:10.5194/wes-5-285-2020 pdf:Paper code doi:10.5281/zenodo.3338508 url:Scripts & Metadata Authors EQ M. B. Zaaijer
WESgraph: a graph database for the wind farm domain Wind Energy Sci. 5.1. paper doi:10.5194/wes-5-259-2020 pdf:Paper data url:Database web interface (defunct) doi:10.5281/zenodo.3478345 url:Database exports Authors EQ S. Sanchez Perez-Moreno M. B. Zaaijer
Wind turbine design AE TU Delft Delft, The Netherlands organization Adapting the course to the increase in student numbers teaching Assessment of student projects Lecturer M. B. Zaaijer Assistants S. Mulders EQ
EUROS websites management & maintenance service url:EUROS website EUROS Sharepoint site Manager EQ Builder L. Paškauskas Supervisor M. B. Zaaijer
NWO-TTW Postdoc Wind Energy AWEP AE TU Delft Delft, The Netherlands position Supervisor M. B. Zaaijer Section head S. Watson Former supervisor G. van Kuik Former section head G. van Bussel
MSc thesis “Greedy wind farm layout optimization using pre-averaged losses” AE TU Delft Delft, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student F. Tilli Supervisor EQ
Wind farm layout optimization TU Delft Delft, The Netherlands teaching Guest lecture in the course “Wind resource and wind farm yield” talk pdf:Slides Guest lecturer EQ Lecturer S. Watson
WESgraph: A graph database for the off-shore wind farm domain data url:Database web interface (defunct) tutorial html:Tutorial Contributers EQ S. Sanchez Perez-Moreno
Proceedings of ISIPTA 2019. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 103 book url:Electronic proceedings Editors J. De Bock G. de Cooman C. de Campos EQ G. Wheeler
ISIPTA 2019 Ghent, Belgium organization PC Board J. De Bock C. de Campos G. de Cooman EQ G. Wheeler Advisory F. Cozman T. Seidenfeld
Poster Prize Jury ISIPTA 2019, Ghent, Belgium service url:ISIPTA 2019 Awards Chairman EQ Members T. Seidenfeld C. Corsato
Robust wind farm layout optimization using pseudo-gradients ISIPTA 2019, Ghent, Belgium abstract pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Poster Authors EQ
Flexible and efficient site constraint handling for wind farm layout optimization WESC 2019, Cork, Ireland abstract pdf:Abstract talk pdf:Slides doi:10.5281/zenodo.3359855 Authors EQ
Robust wind farm layout optimization using pseudo-gradients UQ Seminar, SC CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands talk pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Reviewing for WindEurope service url:WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2017 url:WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2019
Design synthesis exercise: The return of the queen AE TU Delft Delft, The Netherlands teaching Final project for 3rd year Engineering Bachelor students pdf:Jury Summary pdf:Poster award Symposium prize Tutor C. Verhoeven Coaches EQ T. Mahon
EUROS Researcher Meeting SC CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands organization pdf:Program Organizers EQ L. van den Bos A. Eggels
Introduction to the theory of imprecise probability UTOPIAE Training School 2018, Durham, England teaching Lecture talk pdf:Slides Lecturer EQ
Probabilistic design of airfoils for horizontal axis wind turbines TORQUE 2018, Milan, Italy paper doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1037/2/022042 pdf:Paper poster Authors R. Pereira G. de Oliveira W. A. Timmer EQ
MSc thesis “Using polynomial chaos expansion for wind energy” AE TU Delft Delft, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student W. Bailleul Supervisor EQ
Coherent choice functions, desirability and indifference Fuzzy Set. Syst. 341. paper doi:10.1016/j.fss.2017.05.019 hdl:1854/LU-8522988 pdf:Paper Authors A. Van Camp G. de Cooman E. Miranda EQ
Gaussian process farm wake model surrogates Internal Presentation, Wind Energy AWEP AE TU Delft Delft, The Netherlands talk pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
MSc thesis “Layout optimization methods for offshore wind farms using Gaussian Processes” AE TU Delft Delft, The Netherlands teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student K. Gkoutis Supervisor EQ
Enhancing data sets for accelerated wind energy development EUROS for wind energy. talk pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Design synthesis exercise: Revolutionizing solar system dynamics with a lander network AE TU Delft Delft, The Netherlands teaching Final project for 3rd year Engineering Bachelor students pdf:Jury summary Tutor D. Dirkx Coaches EQ J.-A. Pascoe
The CWI World Cup Competition: Eliciting sets of acceptable gambles ISIPTA ’17, Lugano, Switzerland paper pdf:Paper url:Paper talk pdf:Slides code zip:Code html:Demo data zip:JSON files Authors EQ C. Wesseling E. Bauxis-Aussalet T. Piovesan T. Sterkenburg
OWFgraph: A graph database for the offshore wind farm domain WESC 2017, Lyngby, Denmark abstract pdf:Abstract talk pdf:Slides Authors EQ S. Sanchez Perez-Moreno M. B. Zaaijer
Test, Analysis & Simulation AE TU Delft Delft, The Netherlands teaching Project for 2nd year Engineering students Coordinator F. Schrijer Assistants EQ others
Transition ‘’ from dynamic third-party to static local hosting service url:Offshore Wind Energy Responsible EQ Supervisor M. B. Zaaijer
OWFgraph: a graph database for the off-shore wind farm domain Internal Presentation, Wind Energy AWEP AE TU Delft Delft, The Netherlands talk pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Modeling & analysis of systems Montefiore Institute ULg Liège, Belgium teaching For 3rd year Engineering students Lecturer EQ Assistants A. Collard R. Liégeois M. Wehenkel
Bayesian Overconfidence workshop A&C CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands organization html:Program Organizers P. Grünwald EQ T. Seidenfeld
Postdoc A&C CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands position NWO ‘Safe Probability’ project Unit head P. Grünwald
Invited lecturer Montefiore Institute ULg Liège, Belgium position ‘Chargé de cours invité’ Department head L. Wehenkel
ISIPTA ’15 Pescara, Italy organization PC Board T. Augustin E. Miranda EQ Local S. Doria Advisory G. de Cooman T. Seidenfeld
Partial partial preference order orders ISIPTA ’15, Pescara, Italy abstract pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Slides pdf:Poster Authors EQ
Eliciting sets of acceptable gambles — The CWI World Cup Competition ISIPTA ’15, Pescara, Italy abstract pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Slides pdf:Poster award Poster prize 2nd place Authors EQ C. Wesseling E. Bauxis-Aussalet T. Piovesan T. Sterkenburg
Modelling indifference with choice functions ISIPTA ’15, Pescara, Italy paper pdf:Paper poster pdf:Poster award Poster prize 4th place Authors A. Van Camp G. de Cooman E. Miranda EQ
Modeling uncertainty using accept & reject statements Lira Seminar, ILLC, University of Amsterdam talk pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
murasyp: Python software for accept/reject statement-based uncertainty modeling code url:Documentation url:Code Author EQ
Reviewing for the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning service award Excellence in Reviewing Certificate for 2013
Accept & Reject Statement-Based Uncertainty Models Int. J. Approx. Reason. 57. paper doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2014.12.003 arxiv:1208.4462 hdl:1854/LU-5814612 Authors EQ G. de Cooman F. Hermans
Modeling uncertainty using accept & reject statements Seminar, A&C CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands talk pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Characterizing coherence, correcting incoherence Int. J. Approx. Reason. 56. paper doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2014.03.005 hdl:1854/LU-5814579 pdf:Paper Author EQ
ERCIM Fellow A&C CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands position url:Alain Bensoussan ‘ABCDE’ Fellowship Programme Host P. Grünwald
6th SIPTA Summer School Montpellier, France organization Organizers K. Loquin E. Miranda EQ O. Strauss
Inference 6th SIPTA Summer School, Montpellier, France teaching pdf:Poisson example notes pdf:Bernoulli exercise notes pdf:Exponential exercise notes pdf:Symmetry notes pdf:Exchangeability notes talk pdf:Slides Lecturers G. de Cooman EQ
A propositional CONEstrip algorithm IPMU 2014. paper doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08852-5_48 hdl:1854/LU-5814652 pdf:Paper talk pdf:Slides Author EQ
Workshop on the occasion of Teddy Seidenfeld’s visit A&C CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands organization html:Program Organizers P. Grünwald EQ
Modelling risk & uncertainty using accept & reject statements FUR 2014. abstract pdf:Abstract talk pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Connecting choice functions and sets of desirable gambles IPSP 2014. abstract hdl:1854/LU-4629536 txt:Abstract pdf:Extended abstract Authors A. Van Camp G. de Cooman EQ
Desirability Ch. 1 of Introduction to Imprecise Probabilities. chapter doi:10.1002/9781118763117.ch1 hdl:1854/LU-5814657 Author EQ
Member of the Council of the Department of Electrical Energy, Systems, and Automation FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium service
Characterizing coherence, correcting incoherence ISIPTA ’13. paper hdl:1854/LU-4099599 pdf:Paper talk pdf:Slides poster pdf:Poster award Poster prize 1st place code url:Code url:Code Author EQ
Essential concepts in desirability theory UUvUG Workshop, SYSTeMS UGent Ghent, Belgium talk Speaker EQ
Graphics ICS Institute UU Utrecht, The Netherlands teaching Exercises vector calculation for a BA Informatics & Game Technology course Replacement teacher EQ
System & signal analysis FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium teaching For 2rd year Engineering students Lecturer D. Aeyels Assistants F. De Smet L. Moreau N. Marinica EQ F. Petit J. Rogge J. Van de Vyver L. Wylleman
Constrained optimization problems under uncertainty with coherent lower previsions Fuzzy Set. Syst. 206. paper doi:10.1016/j.fss.2012.02.004 hdl:1854/LU-2030199 pdf:Paper Authors EQ K. Shariatmadar G. de Cooman
The CONEstrip algorithm SMPS 2012. paper doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33042-1_6 hdl:1854/LU-3007274 pdf:Paper talk pdf:Slides Author EQ
Modeling uncertainty using accept & reject statements RatDec2012. abstract hdl:1854/LU-2977779 txt:Abstract pdf:Extended abstract talk pdf:Slides Authors EQ G. de Cooman F. Hermans
Implementation of maximin and maximal solutions for linear programming problems under uncertainty FLINS 2012. paper doi:10.1142/9789814417747_0075 hdl:1854/LU-3028486 pdf:Paper Authors N. Huntley R. Quiñones K. Shariatmadar EQ G. de Cooman E. Kerre
5th SIPTA Summer School Pescara, Italy organization Organizers G. de Cooman S. Doria EQ T. Seidenfeld
Maximin and maximal solutions for linear programming problems with possibilistic uncertainty IPMU 2012. paper doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31718-7_45 hdl:1854/LU-2090091 pdf:Paper talk pdf:Slides Authors EQ N. Huntley K. Shariatmadar G. de Cooman
PhD Jury “An operational approach to graphical uncertainty modelling” FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium service Member of the Reading Committee; Secretary of the Examination Committee thesis hdl:1854/LU-2153963 Candidate F. Hermans
Introduction to Scientific Computing with Matlab UGent Ghent, Belgium teaching Half-day overview course for doctoral school students from the engineering and science faculties Lecturer EQ Assistant F. Hermans
Exchangeability and sets of desirable gambles Int. J. Approx. Reason. 53.3. paper doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2010.12.002 hdl:1854/LU-1106209 arxiv:911.4727 pdf:Paper Authors G. de Cooman EQ
The CONEstrip Algorithm WAFT Workshop, SYSTeMS UGent Ghent, Belgium talk txt:Abstract pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Linear systems FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium teaching For 4th year Engineering students Lecturer G. de Cooman Assistants F. Hermans EQ
Probability & Statistics FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium teaching For 1st year Engineering students Lecturer G. de Cooman Assistants F. Hermans EQ
Sets of desirable gambles and their connection to probabilisticly-flavored models for uncertainty Decision Support Systems group, Utrecht University talk txt:Abstract pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Completely monotone outer approximations of lower probabilities on finite possibility spaces Seminar, SYSTeMS UGent Ghent, Belgium talk txt:Abstract pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Finitary characterizations of sets of lower previsions GEOMIP-11. talk hdl:1854/LU-1974606 txt:Abstract pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Completely monotone outer approximations of lower probabilities on finite possibility spaces NLMUA 2011. paper doi:10.1007/978-3-642-22833-9_20 hdl:1854/LU-1864309 pdf:Paper talk pdf:Slides Author EQ
MSc thesis “EstiHMM: an efficient algorithm for state sequence prediction in imprecise hidden Markov models” FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student J. De Bock Supervisor G. de Cooman
MSc thesis “Hidden Markov models: A proof of concept for the MePICTIr-algorithm” FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student A. Van Camp Supervisor G. de Cooman
MSc thesis “Risk-analysis and optimal design of protective measures for roads” FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium teaching Guidance thesis url:Reference Student N. Van den Berge Supervisor G. de Cooman
Learning Imprecise Hidden Markov Models ISIPTA ’11, Innsbruck, Austria abstract hdl:1854/LU-1863971 pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Poster award Poster prize 4th place Authors A. Van Camp G. de Cooman J. De Bock EQ F. Hermans
Generalizing nonstrict and strict preference desirability ISIPTA ’11, Innsbruck, Austria abstract hdl:1854/LU-1863955 pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Slides pdf:Poster award Poster prize 3rd place Authors EQ G. de Cooman F. Hermans
Linear programming under vacuous and possibilistic uncertainty ISIPTA ’11, Innsbruck, Austria abstract hdl:1854/LU-1225787 pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Poster Authors K. Shariatmadar EQ G. de Cooman
Characterizing the set of coherent lower previsions with a finite number of constraints or vertices DYSCO Study Day. poster hdl:1854/LU-1974580 txt:Abstract pdf:Poster Author EQ
BAEF Francqui Fellow Philosophy Department CMU Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America position url:Belgian American Educational Foundation url:Francqui Foundation Host T. Seidenfeld
Optimisation under uncertainty applied to a bridge collision problem USD 2010. paper hdl:1854/LU-973372 pdf:Paper Authors K. Shariatmadar R. Andrei G. de Cooman P. Baekeland EQ E. Kerre
Inference & Desirability 4th SIPTA Summer School, Durham, England teaching pdf:Handouts pdf:Exercise solutions talk pdf:Slides Lecturer EQ
A constrained optimization problem under uncertainty FLINS 2010. paper doi:10.1142/9789814324700_0120 hdl:1854/LU-973379 pdf:Paper Authors EQ K. Shariatmadar G. de Cooman
Characterizing the set of coherent lower previsions with a finite number of constraints or vertices UAI 2010. paper hdl:1854/LU-984156 bib:BibTeX pdf:Paper poster pdf:Poster code url:Code Author EQ
Infinite exchangeability for sets of desirable gambles IPMU 2010. paper doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14055-6_7 hdl:1854/LU-984155 bib:BibTeX pdf:Paper Authors G. de Cooman EQ
Dealing with uncertain constraints in optimisation using decision theory DYSCO Study Day. poster hdl:1854/LU-1060040 txt:Abstract pdf:Poster Authors K. Shariatmadar EQ G. de Cooman
Desirability & exchangeability ‘Foundations of Statistics’ course, Philosophy Department CMU Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America teaching Two-hour lecture for MA and last-year BA students Lecturer EQ Course organizer T. Seidenfeld
A constrained optimization problem under uncertainty Applied Biomathematics, Setauket, New York, United States of America talk txt:Abstract pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
SIPTA Workshop on Uncertainty Columbia University, New York City, United States of America organization pdf:Program Organizers J. Helzner H. Arlo-Costa G. Wheeler T. Seidenfeld EQ
A constrained optimization problem under uncertainty Games & Decisions Meeting, Philosophy Department CMU Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America talk txt:Abstract pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Imprecise Markov chains and their limit behaviour Probab. Eng. Inform. Sc. 23.4. paper doi:10.1017/S0269964809990039 hdl:1854/LU-498502 arxiv:801.098 pdf:Paper Authors G. de Cooman F. Hermans EQ
Postdoc FUM UGent Ghent, Belgium position url:IWT SBO ‘Fuzzy Finite Element’ project Unit head E. Kerre
FE design optimization under uncertainty as a constrained optimization problem under uncertainty SBO FFEM User Meeting, LMS, Leuven, Belgium talk pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Exchangeable lower previsions Bernoulli 15.3. paper doi:10.3150/09-BEJ182 hdl:1854/LU-498518 arxiv:909.1148 arxiv:801.1265 (extended version) pdf:Paper Authors G. de Cooman EQ E. Miranda
IJAR Gold Young Researcher Award award Awarded at ISIPTA ’09 to recognize scientific contributions of doctoral research to the field of imprecise probabilities
A constrained optimization problem under uncertainty ISIPTA ’09, Durham, England abstract hdl:1854/LU-718910 pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Poster award Poster prize runner-up Authors K. Shariatmadar EQ G. de Cooman
Desirability: A slightly different view of the basis of the theory of imprecise probabilities ISIPTA ’09, Durham, England talk pdf:Slides teaching Conference tutorial Lecturer EQ
Exchangeability for sets of desirable gambles ISIPTA ’09, Durham, England paper hdl:1854/LU-718913 bib:BibTeX pdf:Paper talk pdf:Slides poster pdf:Poster award Poster prize runner-up Authors G. de Cooman EQ
Belief propagation in imprecise Markov trees DYSCO Study Day. poster hdl:1854/LU-1974578 txt:Abstract pdf:Poster Authors G. de Cooman F. Hermans EQ
Learning in games using the Imprecise Dirichlet Model Int. J. Approx. Reason. 50.2. paper doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2008.03.012 hdl:1854/LU-495971 pdf:Paper Authors EQ G. de Cooman
Representation insensitivity in immediate prediction under exchangeability Int. J. Approx. Reason. 50.2. paper doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2008.03.010 hdl:1854/LU-497890 pdf:Paper Authors G. de Cooman E. Miranda EQ
Learning from samples using coherent lower previsions PhD in Applied Math, FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium thesis hdl:1854/LU-495650 pdf:Book education “Doctor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken” in Dutch code url:Code Author EQ Supervision G. de Cooman D. Aeyels
The desirability of desirability WAET Workshop, SYSTeMS UGent Ghent, Belgium talk txt:Abstract pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Research & Teaching Assistant SYSTeMS UGent Ghent, Belgium position Unit head G. de Cooman Group head D. Aeyels
Lower & upper covariance SMPS 2008. paper doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85027-4_39 hdl:1854/13496 bib:BibTeX pdf:Paper talk pdf:Slides Author EQ
Extreme lower probabilities Fuzzy Set. Syst. 159.16. paper doi:10.1016/j.fss.2007.11.020 hdl:1854/11713 pdf:Paper code url:Code Authors EQ G. de Cooman
The Moment Problem for Finitely Additive Probabilities Ch. 3 of Uncertainity and Intelligent Information Systems. chapter hdl:1854/12198 pdf:Chapter Authors E. Miranda G. de Cooman EQ
Sensitivity analysis for finite Markov chains in discrete time UAI 2008. paper hdl:1854/11638 bib:BibTeX pdf:Paper poster pdf:Poster Authors G. de Cooman F. Hermans EQ
Imprecise immediate predictions 3rd SIPTA Summer School, Montpellier, France teaching Exercise guidance Lecturer G. de Cooman Assistant EQ
Finitely additive extensions of distribution functions and moment sequences: The coherent lower prevision approach Int. J. Approx. Reason. 48.1. paper doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2007.07.007 hdl:1854/10682 pdf:Paper pdf:Erratum Authors E. Miranda G. de Cooman EQ
Modeling & Simulation FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium teaching For 4th year Informatics students Lecturer R. Boel Assistants EQ
Limit behavior of imprecise Markov chains DYSCO Workshop. poster hdl:1854/LU-1974573 txt:Abstract pdf:Poster Authors G. de Cooman F. Hermans EQ
The Hausdorff moment problem under finite additivity J. Theor. Probab. 20.3. paper doi:10.1007/s10959-007-0055-4 hdl:1854/8216 pdf:Paper bib:BibTeX entry Authors E. Miranda G. de Cooman EQ
Representing and assessing exchangeable lower previsions ISI 56th Session. paper hdl:1854/8320 bib:BibTeX pdf:Paper Authors G. de Cooman EQ E. Miranda
MSc thesis “Study of Imprecise Markov Models” FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium teaching Guidance thesis url:Full-text reference Student S. Dhaenens Supervisor G. de Cooman
Immediate prediction under exchangeability and representation insensitivity ISIPTA ’07. paper hdl:1854/7630 bib:BibTeX pdf:Paper poster pdf:Poster Authors G. de Cooman E. Miranda EQ
Propagating imprecise probabilities through event trees DYSCO Kickoff Meeting. poster hdl:1854/LU-1974570 txt:Abstract pdf:Poster Authors G. de Cooman F. Hermans EQ
Extreme lower probabilities SMPS 2006. paper doi:10.1007/3-540-34777-1_26 hdl:1854/6276 bib:BibTeX pdf:Paper txt:Proceedings version errata talk code url:Code Authors EQ G. de Cooman
The moment problem for finitely additive probabilities IPMU 2006. paper hdl:1854/5684 bib:BibTeX pdf:Paper Authors E. Miranda G. de Cooman EQ
Taking lower probabilities to their extreme Seminar, SYSTeMS UGent Ghent, Belgium talk txt:Abstract pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Imprecise probability models for inference in exponential families Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Durham University, Durham, England talk pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Building classifiers that cope with small training sets 6th FirW PhD Symposium. abstract hdl:1854/3632 bib:BibTeX pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Poster Authors EQ G. de Cooman D. Aeyels
Imprecise probability models for inference in exponential families ISIPTA ’05. paper hdl:1854/3353 bib:BibTeX pdf:Paper txt:Pre-30 Apr ’08-version errata talk pdf:Slides pdf:Slides (dialog part) html:Transcript poster pdf:Poster Authors EQ G. de Cooman
Imprecise probability models for inference in exponential families Seminar, SYSTeMS UGent Ghent, Belgium talk pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Dynamical systems FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium teaching For 3rd and 4th year Engineering students Lecturers G. de Cooman J. Willems Assistants M. Troffaes EQ
Coherent lower previsions 1st SIPTA Summer School, Lugano, Switerland teaching Exercise guidance Lecturer G. de Cooman Assistants M. Troffaes EQ
Weak law for Markov model estimation using the IDM techreport hdl:1854/LU-1976594 pdf:Report Author EQ
Command line completion: an illustration of learning and decision making using the imprecise Dirichlet model 23rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. abstract hdl:1854/2310 bib:BibTeX pdf:Abstract talk pdf:Slides Authors EQ G. de Cooman
Command line completion: an illustration of learning and decision making using the imprecise Dirichlet model Seminar, SYSTeMS UGent Ghent, Belgium talk txt:Abstract pdf:Slides Speaker EQ
Command line completion: an illustration of learning and decision making using the imprecise Dirichlet model 4th FTW PhD Symposium. abstract hdl:1854/2517 bib:BibTeX pdf:Abstract poster pdf:Poster Authors EQ G. de Cooman
Fictitious play: two viewpoints and two versions Iterated games and cooperation. abstract hdl:1854/2277 bib:BibTeX pdf:Abstract Author EQ
Game-theoretic learning using the imprecise Dirichlet model ISIPTA ’03. paper hdl:1854/2309 bib:BibTeX pdf:Paper talk pdf:Slides poster pdf:Poster Authors EQ G. de Cooman
Learning in Markov models using the imprecise Dirichlet model IAP Study Day. poster hdl:1854/LU-1974568 txt:Abstract pdf:Poster Author EQ
DEA in Applied Mathematics FSA UCL Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium education “Diplôme d’études approfondies en sciences appliquées: mathématiques appliquées” in French; magna cum laude (‘grande distinction’)
Analysis and prediction of river flow using nonlinear methods MA in Applied Math, FSA UCL Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium thesis bib:BibTeX pdf:Book pdf:Book (hyperlinked) education Author EQ Supervision V. Wertz A. Lendasse
Physics Engineering Degree FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium education “Burgerlijk natuurkundig ingenieur” in Dutch; summa cum laude (‘de grootste onderscheiding’)
Math refresher FBE UGent Ghent, Belgium teaching Theory & exercises; intensive two-week course for new 1st year students Teachers T. Cox EQ
Student representative in the Physics Engineering curriculum committee FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium service
Game-theoretic learning using imprecise probabilities: dynamical aspects MA in Physics Engineering, FEA UGent Ghent, Belgium thesis url:Repository entry bib:BibTeX pdf:Book pdf:Book (hyperlinked) education Author EQ Supervision G. de Cooman